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Plegr Privacy Policy

Plegr Mobile App (iOS and Android)

Data Usage

Plegr keeps a record of user inputted sessions, which may include buy-in amount, cash-out amount, session start and end dates, and location data in the form of latitude/longitude coordinates. Plegr also requires a valid email address for user registration and authentication. For user security and privacy, Plegr does not store user session data and email addresses in the same place.

Plegr does not sell or otherwise distribute any users' personal information, email address, or session data.


All data associated with a user's Plegr account is visible within the app. A user must be authenticated to view aforementioned data. Plegr does not collect metrics or user data aside from that which the user inputs to log sessions and locations.

A Plegr account may be deleted at any time by clicking on the settings icon, scrolling to the "Danger Zone" section, and pressing "Delete Account". Deleting a Plegr account is a permanent action that cannot be undone. When an accout is deleted, all data associated with that account is dissociated, and is not recoverable.

Plegr Website

Data Usage

Plegr's website ( is used for informational purposes only. Plegr's website does not collect, distribute, or use any user's information or session data. Plegr's website does not utilize cookies or trackers.