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Plegr Terms of Service

Plegr Mobile App (iOS and Android)


Because Plegr is API-backed, account registration is necessary. A valid email address is required to register a Plegr account. A Plegr account may be deleted at any time by clicking on the settings icon, scrolling to the "Danger Zone" section, and pressing "Delete Account". Deleting a Plegr account is a permanent action that cannot be undone. When an accout is deleted, all data associated with that account is dissociated, and is not recoverable.


Plegr is free-to-use software. No susbscription is necessary to use any of Plegr's features.

Malicious Actors

Plegr reserves the right to suspend or terminate a user's account without warning in the event that the user is determined to be acting maliciously. Denial of service attacks, or attempts to access data from another user's account are examples of punishable offenses.

A user whose account has been suspended may appeal the suspension by emailing

Feedback, Questions, and Feature Requests

Please send feedback, questions, or feature requests to In the event that you are reporting a bug, please include detailed steps to reproduce the bug, as well as a screenshot or screen recording if possible.